Uzbekistan Department of Energy: Individuals using solar energy in their homes do not require any permits.
Jun 12, 2020

Uzbekistan Department of Energy: Individuals using solar energy in their homes do not require any permits.
Uzbekistan Department of Energy- Another inaccurate information in the energy sector appeared on the Internet, this time - in the sun. The Department of Energy clarifies how things really are. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy.
Another illiterate "sensation" is based on the rumor that in order to use solar energy for personal purposes (for example, solar panels for lighting a house), allegedly you need to get permission and pay taxes.
The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan explains that no permits are required for individuals using solar energy in their homes.
This is reflected, like other forms of generating electricity from renewable energy sources (RES), including for personal use, in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the use of renewable energy sources" adopted on May 21, 2019.
In addition to individuals using renewable energy installations, such as solar panels or panels, for their homes, the law defines two more types of electricity producers. These are manufacturers for the needs of legal entities and individuals through a local network and manufacturers supplying renewable energy to a single energy system.
That is, electricity using renewable sources (through solar, wind installations, etc.) can be produced not only for yourself, but also in order to earn money on it. In these cases, this is a fairly new type of business.
Legislation in order to support such entrepreneurs has been given them the right to conclude agreements on the creation of local electric networks from renewable energy sources and the sale of electricity by legal entities and individuals at mutually agreed prices.
Manufacturers supplying electricity from renewable energy sources to a single energy system are entitled to a guaranteed connection to it.
Naturally, where it comes to the use of renewable energy sources not for their own needs, but for the purpose of entrepreneurship, that is, the sale of electricity, business laws apply.
And for the so-called producers of the first type - that is, they produce solar energy for their own needs, not only do not need any contracts, but there are also incentive benefits.
In the case when they use only renewable energy sources, that is, with complete disconnection from existing energy networks, an exemption from property tax for individuals and from land tax is granted for a period of three years (starting from the month of using renewable energy sources).
On August 22, 2019, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4422 was adopted, which provides additional benefits for those using renewable energy sources.
In particular, from January 1, 2020, at the expense of the State budget of the country, individuals will be compensated for a third of the cost of acquiring solar photovoltaic stations (but not more than 300 USD) and solar water heaters (not more than 150 USD) in houses ), as well as energy-efficient gas burner devices (not more than 20USD).
Compensation is also provided for individuals and legal entities to cover interest expenses on loans from commercial banks for the purchase of installations of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient gas burner devices and boilers, as well as other energy-efficient equipment.
Currently, the Ministry of Energy is developing draft regulatory legal acts for the further development of the renewable energy sector, creating additional benefits for the population and entrepreneurs.
The above and a number of other measures, benefits and preferences have already shown their effectiveness, the process of developing renewable energy sources, which is under close attention and strict control of the head of state, is gaining momentum.
The Ministry of Energy once again draws attention to the fact that for reliable information on any issues related to the fuel and energy complex of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to contact the press service of the Ministry. Avoid the use and dissemination of illiterate information based on ignorance, rumors and speculation.