Tank Basics
What is hard water? Hard water is water that has high mineral content (in contrast with soft water). Hard water is formed when water percolates through deposits of limestone, chalk or gypsum which are largely made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulfates. Hard drinking water may have moderate health benefits, but can pose critical problems in industrial settings, where water hardness is monitored to avoid costly breakdowns in boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment ...
How to solve the leaking problem of the hot water tank? We made some analysis based on installation and maintenance experiences as following: 1. Inner tank corrosion The inner tank corrosion usually caused by local bad water quality, especially in the coastal areas. Cl and SO ion in the water (PPM180mg/L) would corrode the inner tank. Solution: replace the tank by SUS 316L inner material, or use the copper coil close loop thermosiphon system. Attention area: coastal areas like Netherlands, Belgi...
What You Need to Know About 304 and 316 Stainless Steel Stainless steel has a wide range of uses. As a result, it has become increasingly popular among solar water heater manufacturers due to its ability to meet their demand for increasing physical durability and environmental friendliness. The presence of chromium provides stainless steel resistance to surface corrosion, with chromium oxide blocking the diffusion of oxygen throughout the steel surface. Industrial Application of 304 Stainless St...
People often use the magnet to absorb stainless steel to verify its pros and cons. If the magnet does not absorb stainless steel, it is non-magnetic, which is considered to be good, and the price is genuine. If it is adsorbed, it is magnetic and is considered to be a counterfeit. In fact, this is an extremely one-sided, unrealistic method of identification. There are many types of stainless steel, which can be divided into several categories according to the organizational structure at room temp...
When brown rust spots appeared on the surface of stainless steel pipes, people were amazed: Stainless steel is not rusted. If it rusts, it is not stainless steel. It may be a problem with steel materials. In fact, this is because of the lack of understanding of stainless steel to produce the wrong view. Stainless steel will also rust under certain conditions. Stainless steel has the ability to resist atmospheric oxidation rust resistance, and also has the ability to resist corrosion in acid, alk...
Introduction Stainless steels are generally very corrosion resistant and will perform satisfactorily in most environments. The limit of corrosion resistance of a given stainless steel depends on its constituent elements which means that each grade has a slightly different response when exposed to a corrosive environment. Care is therefore needed to select the most appropriate grade of stainless steel for a given application. As well as careful material grade selection, good detailing and workman...
What forms of corrosion can occur in stainless steels? The most common forms of corrosion in stainless steel are: Pitting corrosion - The passive layer on stainless steel can be attacked by certain chemical species. The chloride ion Cl- is the most common of these and is found in everyday materials such as salt and bleach. Pitting corrosion is avoided by making sure that stainless steel does not come into prolonged contact with harmful chemicals or by choosing a grade of steel which is more resi...
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